Monday, June 29, 2009

Lunch with some Air Racers!

Today I had the privilege to have lunch with ARC 2009 Team # 16!! I was just leaving the office for lunch with my friend Lisa-when Chris texted me:

An Air Race Team just landed and is taxiing in


I nearly jumped out of my car. I was so excited! Lisa and I headed to the Stillwater terminal to find our new friends. We arrived and scoped out the racers.... : (

But these ladies were just in the rest room : ) aha! (I should have known!) They had been flying all morning from Iowa and stopped to refuel, use the restroom, get some chow, and head off again.

I introduced myself and my friend, Lisa, and how I was related to the race (I was helping the K-State team and was a previous air race competitor) Luckily for me, there was some weather just south of Oklahoma City and the ladies agreed to have lunch with us. Just MY lucky day!

I have been following the racers all week and it was such a honor and privilege to take these ladies out to lunch. Chris was able to join us and we all had a nice time. It turns out that I had raced with one of these ladies before-! In 2007-the year the race was to Canada, one of these ladies was racing that year. It was also the year we were disqualified, but a race is a race, and it was a blast anyway.

These ladies finished the race successfully and had a good time. They are en route to Texas this afternoon. Well, maybe-I think they are going to Oklahoma City and hanging out there until the weather passes...but either way-Texas is their final destination.

Thanks ladies for such a wonderful surprise. : ) What a wonderful lunch!

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