Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Some call it "single's awareness day" while others call it the day of LOVE. I simply call it February 14. (I anxiously wait for Feb 15 when all the CHOCOLATE goes on sale!!)

This weekend I was able to travel to Lawton, OK to visit a college friend, Cristina and her two beautiful children. Since Cristina's husband and my husband are both in Georgia, I decided I would come visit her and the family for Valentine's Day.
(yeah-crazy-right? Chris is in the Atlanta area and Josh is somewhere not to far from there)

Here is a picture of Cristina and I:

As part of the festivities, I took a trip down memory land and thought it would be fun to make some Valentine's Day cards!! (we used to make them with Doily's--you know those funny paper things that look like lace? DOY-leeee? I am not sure I spelled that right above!)

Well, I did not have any Doilies (sp?!) but I did find some cool hearts and stickers. I thought this would be perfect for Jocelyn (2 years old) and fun for both Cristina and I to watch her put together a card for her dad. Here are a few pictures from the event:

Since it is one of my favorite things to eat...I decided to make our Valentine's dinner:

I was Olive Garden deprived (Chris didn't want to eat Olive Garden when I was visiting him in Tulsa a couple of weeks ago--I took it upon myself to order OG to go for our dinner Saturday night!! It was MUCH better than waiting the 1+hours in the restaurant. We had a fantastic dinner after the kids went to bed--and I even got to have my favorite dessert: Tiramisu!!) all I have to do is wait a few more hours....then the real holiday begins....CHOCOLATE SALES!!

Until then,

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Expecting a Baby in August!!

As you can see from above, there REALLY is a little one in there! We are expecting our first baby on August 20, 2010. As of today, we are 3 months along!!

We will not be able to find out the gender for a couple more months--but all the better. We are not sure if we are going to find out or not...we are still trying to decide. Part of the fun of not knowing is the growing I guess we'll just have to think about it more : )

We finally got to tell our family and close friends over the past day or so. It is SO nice to have the secret's hard to keep such an exciting thing like this quiet for so long. We just wanted to make sure all went well in the first trimester. So far, so good.

The best part is-I haven't really been sick (thank the Lord!!). I only had one day where I was really under the weather-and for the most part, not really felt nauseous or anything. Although, despite my best efforts...naps are a wonderful thing. I do find that it is quite pleasant to take an after lunch cat nap when I get the chance. Oh, and I was in pretty good shape and used to eating all the time-due to marathon training--and it's a good thing because I seem to be hungry ALL the time. Since I only trained for 4 months for the marathon...I cannot imagine how hungry I will be in the last 5 months of pregnancy!

We are so excited! Please continue to keep us in your prayers as our little one continues to grow and I am job-searching (preferably in the Wichita, KS area-fyi!).

In the mean time-Chris just left for simulator training in Atlanta, Georgia this morning. He will be there for a month--and I'm thinking he is going to enjoy actually applying all he has learned over the past 1.5 months. (So don't feel too sorry for him being away on an exciting adventure!)