Friday, August 22, 2008

It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I never thought I'd be so happy for Friday! It has been a busy week. I had a busy day at "the office" (tee hee! i'm going to have to get used to that!), and I even got to do a check out flight yesterday in a Cessna 152. Man, I tell ya! That is an ITY BITY lil' airplane! For those of you who haven't seen one-it has only 2 seats, and it is quite "cozy".

Chris has been busy too. He had 2 check out flights today in the C127 and teh C172RG--aka a golf cart with wings, and a golf cart with wings and retractable wheels : ) for those non-pilots out there : ). Additionally, he has a good handful of students lined up! He has several CFI applicants, a commercial student, and I think an instrument student as well. I'm excited that he gets to hop right into the plane and start teaching next week, not to mention the time building.

I have a few students I'm trying to get a hold of. I will only be able to take on 1 this semester, but we'll see how things go.

We had class last night-yeah-WE. We are taking one class together on Thursday nights in Tulsa for our degree. I was a bit nervous about taking a class with Chris, as we both learn differently, and I take notes and pay attention--and he just listens and soaks up the material. However, I was pleasantly surprised after our first class that I think we will both get a lot out of it both individually and as a couple-so that is great!

Chris also just completed his first full week of being a professor. We will both be busy, but its good for us-especially since Chris will have to learn to work again! (I guess I shouldn't say that too loud : )

Over and Out...
oh...and go pokes...
hmm...i don't know if that will ever sound as good as GO WILDCATS! : )

Monday, August 18, 2008

Our First Day of Graduate School

Well, here it is, DAY 1 of class! class was canceled! So....I got online to order my books, and anxiously await class next week. : ) Chris had to drive to Tulsa this evening for class. We didn't realize that Oklahoma State University had classes at Tulsa, Stillwater, and Oklahoma City...all 3 Chris has to drive or take a bus to Tulsa 2 times a week-not the most convenient, but I think he'll enjoy the classes he's taking there, so it all works out.

I went to work as usual, and Chris went to teach his first college class!!! I am so excited for him! He has 35 students who are taking his Aviation Safety class for their undergraduate degree program in aviation. I think it's a great! He even put on his syllabus the old Salina classic "if your phone rings, you bring donunts!" : ) He said the class was less than happy to hear that...but then again...if there is food, there is usually a more lively class : )

I have a check out flight this Thursday with the Chief instructor, provided the weather holds up. It has been REALLY cloudy all week-well, even if it IS only monday! Last week had lots of rain and clouds, so i'm hoping for some sunshing to come in my office window for my flight thursday. I can't wait to get back up in an airplane. I miss my students up at OJC, but realize that it is a bit of a long flight for them to just hop on down to Oklahoma to go buzz around for fun : ( I miss them already! Well, when a door closes, a window opens, right?! i'm sure the folks down here know how to have just as much fun : )

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Settling In to being an Okey

Well hello again!

We have successfully made the trip from Kansas City to Stillwater, Oklahoma. It was a long drive, but we are glad that the move is over. We may not be settled, but we are moved in nonetheless.

I began work Tuesday, 8am. It was nice to work in an office...weird for me though. When I graduated high school, i said i didn't want to get a degree that would land me an office job. Well, guess what?! I didn't...well, kinda. As the old fogey pilots all tell me, fly while you can, while you crave it, and need to..then one day you will settle and not NEED to fly like you did while you were young. We all hit it some day...and you will too.

Well, I think what they are referring to is called BURN OUT. I think we all hit this at one point or another. I was just beginning to reach the early phases of this in KC with instructing-waking up early, flying in the small airplane all day, and passing out at night. I think this change of pace came at exactly the right time. I am ready for that bit of slow down, that office job to change things up a bit. This way, at least i get to do what i do best-TALK!-and help people, 2 of my favorite qualities : ) the evenings, I will get to do a bit of flight instructing to keep building up my time. Hopefully, by the time Chris and I both graduate, we will have both built up some good flight time and have the chance to do more of what we love-the "fun" flying. Going places for fun, and even business-but mainly just fun. Besides...who knows where we will be by then!

Well, on another note, Chris is teaching an Aviation Safety class this semester. I'm excited for him! He found out there are around 35 students in his class! WOW! I know! I am sure they will all have a good time though. I think he'll do GREAT (although i AM a bit biased : )

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I wish we had a heard of cows to pack up our house...but we didn't. However, we do have a herd of people coming to help us move, and we are more than happy to have the help!

Today we got up and started packing. Last night we obtained boxes from a local store. I felt like a home-less person, looking for the best boxes to live in! Chris went down one aisle, I another-and we roped up as many boxes as we could. We each had a car full by the time we left. Today we filled nearly all of those boxes, and I think we'll go back for a few more...but I won't know for sure until Chris gets off the phone. He's talking with Delton about locations/places to live in Stillwater, OK. Delton is scoping out places for us, and keeping us out of the "bad" areas of town.

Things are happening so incredibly quickly! Last night we had dinner at our favorite diner--Vern and Bobby Ann's house! (That would be my sister's almost inlaws-aka....her inlaws-she gets married in like 1 month! eik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

OK-so it's not a "diner", but they always are such good company and have such a wonderful meal. Chris and I are sad to be leaving the good home cooking and good company. : (

Oh, yesterday-it was such a good feeling-I QUIT!!!!!! well, officially anyway. I went in and told the guy who is in charge of the flight instructors-well, for lack of term-"chief flight instructor", anyway- (i was an independent contractor, but you get the idea!) ANYWHO- I went in and told him we had further opportunities and will be pursuing our Master's Degrees at Oklahoma State University, and we would be moving...and as of Sunday, I was quitting. SHOCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, they knew it was coming, but they didn't think it was ever actually going to come! So i think i caught him off guard...but guess what!? After Osh Kosh is real life, so WELCOME BACK TO REALITY! : ) I am, however, sad to be leaving my wonderful students. I will really miss them all. I have learned a LOT here in my short 4 months (wow! i have only been instructing there 4 months-it feels like way longer!) I have definitely grown as an individual, as well as an instructor. I have made some wonderful connections, as well as friends-and I will miss them all.

On another note, I got a JOB OFFER today in the KC area. It came this afternoon right as I was packing some boxes up. It was so weird! I can't remember the name of the company...but its job requirements were Commercial, Multi Engine!!! They wanted 4 (nights i think) days a week, cargo. Well, it sounded nice but since I'm already MOVING I had to turn him down. It was nice to make a 2 second decision without thinking about it really. We have had a LOT of decisions to make lately, and it was nice not to have to cloud my small head with one more thing to think about.

Well, until we meet again, have a lovely evening...I'm going box hunting again...wish me luck!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Chris and Robin are Moving!

Dear Friends,

Hello again! As many of you know, Chris lost his job at the beginning of July. Since then, we have both been working hard to look for whatever the next opportunity for us might be. This opportunity presented itself last week.

Chris and I will be moving to Oklahoma to attend Oklahoma State University for the Master’s Degree program. I will be working full time there (for Delton-for those of you who know him-i'll be working in an office : ), while attending classes-and Chris will be teaching a class on campus in the aviation program, while also attending classes. We will be getting our Master’s Degrees in Natural and Applied Science Aviation and Space. AKA-aviation/space master’s degree, which will put me one step closer to my ultimate goal of working with a space program, or even astronauts, and Chris closer to his goal of working for a university as a professor and possibly owning his own business someday.

Unfortunately, since school starts in 2 WEEKS! (eik!) I am sorry I cannot call each and every one of you, but there are a LOT of things that need to happen in the next couple of weeks, so I hope you understand why I have to email instead.

We are sad to leave KC so soon but looking forward to the opportunities which lie ahead. If you are interested, check out the degree at:

PS-Even if we will be Okie's in a few weeks, I’ll always be a Wildcat at heart!!!!