Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Student!

Hello again!

Last week was a quick week for us. With Chris traveling and me actually working-it was a nice change. Last week I got to fly down to Branson, MO with a student for a few basketball games. It was a fun trip--we flew in, were picked up, ate BBQ-YUM!!!-watched some basketball, and flew back late. The guys that went with us are huge fans of the MNU-aka-Midamerica Nazarene University. They were victorious that night...but when they played this past Monday, they were lost by 4 points! grrr. The joke was that if they keep winning, we get to keep flying to go see them...but b/c of the weather monday, we didn't get that luxury.

Also last week-my younger brother, Paul, came to town! It was great to see him for a couple of days. He has spring break this week. They were planning on going camping at Yellowstone in Wyoming...but weather got the best of them and they opted for Lake Afton instead. Oh the young they are so wise--they didn't want to freeze their toosh's off in a distant land, so they went to "chill" at a local lake.

Monday was St. Patrick's Day. Apparently not only does KC have wonderful BBQ everywhere, they also have lots of Irish. They had a parade on Monday in the rain. I didn't figure they would--but as the guy at the library said--you can't stop the irish from celebrating.

News from this week:
I have a new instrument student!!! yay! We will be starting up in the next couple of weeks and I can't wait! Also, we have a fly-out to Hutchinson, KS on March 29th so I'm excited about that too!!!

Lastly, I'm going to get a haircut to day!! eik! I'll take a picture of it when I get home and post it for you all. Until then...!

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