Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sleepless in Stillwater

Tonight just finished a flight with a student of mine. I'm exhausted from a long day, but glad that it's Wednesday. A friend of mine from college is coming to visit us this weekend. We're really excited to have him in town. However, that means that in order to hang out, I had to make up my time at work-so that means I have gone in early the last couple of days in order to spend time with our friend. That's ok though-how often do you really get to see your good friends?! I would easily take a couple of sleepless nights if it meant I got to spend some time with my friends or family.

Chris is up gallivanting the skies at the moment. He has a later lesson with his student. That's ok-it gives me a few minutes to catch up from the day and catch my breath. : D

I just can't wait until it's Friday!

Oh-i just remembered...i forgot to talk about Valentine's "fav" holiday...not. So, since I think i should be loved all year long, i don't really like this "buy roses/chocolate, take me out to dinner the same night everyone else in the world goes out to dinner" stuff. So we celebrated the evening at home with a nice meal and good company. We had our friend over for dinner and had a great time. We even watched the movie "August Rush." If you haven't seen it, it's a good flick.

Good night everyone.

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