Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving and beyond

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone. I can't believe it. It seems like just yesterday we were in KC working as we were from last spring and today it's almost Christmas! WOW!

For thanksgiving we went to Kansas City and stayed with my sister's in-laws. My parents came to town, and both brothers could even make it for the holiday. It was great to spend the time with so many wonderful people and great food! We also had a chance to catch up with a few of our friends there, which was great. It makes us realize how much we really do miss the good people, but being at grad school right now is where we need to be.

Chris has a presentation tonight...so I'm just hanging around...in fact, I haven't left work yet! I was doing some groundschool with a student and then thought I should catch up on some email...and here I am...amazing how time just fades away.

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