Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day and K-State Salina's Graduation

Today is Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to ALL mothers! At church this morning, there was a mother who spoke about what it means to be a mom. It was special because she was a mother of 2 of her own, and 4 foster/adopted children. I thought that was pretty inspiring. She talked about how her mother was nurturing and also a little about her life as a mother, taking care of her own children. This all made me think about my mother and family. How blessed I am to have such a wonderful mom and family to grow up in. Additionally, I thought of Chris' mom, and all that she does to keep the town of Leoti running (: ). Thanks Moms-we love you!

Yesterday Chris and I were in Salina for graduation. It was great seeing everyone again. We went to a BBQ and saw friends of mine and their family. We also had time to drop by and see a couple of Chris Phi Delt Brothers. It was really great to spend time with the gang again.

Lastly, when we got home last night, I was online just catching up on a few things before crawled into bed. The Yahoo News brought up a clip of Bush's Daughter getting married. I have to wonder...his son-in-law must be one heck of a guy...I mean seriously-can you imagine your father in law being president?! No pressure, dude! Chis promised me that he wouldn't be president...b/c I told him I didn't want to be the first lady...but then again...what an honor that would be. I can't imagine always having the Secret Service, etc. following you around, etc. And, not to mention....what if I just wanted to order know-a pizza or something....what's the man to do?! lol. Well, Mr. President, congrats on the new family.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

NO MENTION OF VISITING ESSE???? she's totally never speaking to you again....
