Saturday, January 16, 2010

Weekend at home, FINALLY!

It seems like the past month has been a quick one. With the holiday season come and gone, I am happy to have spent time with family and friends--and now be back at home.

Chris has been in training for about 2 weeks, and has been working hard. He got to come home last night to spend a few days with me before going back and studying his brains out. I could tell that he has been ultimately focused, as he kept mixing up his words last night. hehe...when you study hard all week, consulting books--it is hard to have a logical conversation without mixing up words when you haven't been talking all week because you have been SO focused!

I am so proud of him, and I know he's working hard. Oh-for the inquiring minds: he will be finishing training sometime around March-ish. He goes for sim-training at the end of February. Much past that, I don't know really where he will be, but the journey will sure be fun!

Other than that, I have been trying to get my feet on the ground this week with work and students. I have only 6 class hours left to take to finish my Masters, yay! Earlier this week, I received an email that said one of my classes was CANCELLED due to low enrollment! UGH! This class was one to be taught by an FAA employee, who has been in the industry for a number of years--and I have been looking forward to taking for over a year (as it is only offered in the springtime). While I am disappointed about this class being canceled, I guess it provides the opportunity for another class. While I'm not quite sure where this opportunity will lead me to, I'm sure that the Good Lord has something in the works, right!?

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