Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Purging Emails! I have gotten a BIT behind on sincere apologies to those of you who I missed important correspondence with! oops! Well, as I am sure many of you can understand, I have gotten busy with life, and well-my emails have lacked importance in the list. Well it's almost a new year--and that reminded me: Last year, my new year's resolution was to keep my inbox to a as soon as I read and respond to an email, I delete or file it.

I as doing SO well until June when I started my new job last year. Somehow I just got busy doing marathon training, working, flying, keeping track of Chris, traveling....and the list goes on. So here I am...almost back to a new year....and had some time on my hands...SO...I decided: What better time to PURGE my inbox?

I regrettably admit I had over 700 emails ! (I know-you are speechless ! am I!)

NOW: 23

: - )

So it's not the zero I was hoping for, but a few of those I need to take care of at I will settle with that for now,

PS: THIS DOES NOT GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO FORWARD ME THINGS JUST TO FILL UP MY INBOX! Please be green and help me not get bogged down in garbage : )

So, whatever each of your new years resolutions may be...I hope that you continue to work on them...even if it does take you until the end of the year to finish it!

Happy New Years to All!

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