Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Office Mania

It seems like one day all is bliss, then the next..... DRAMA!

As many of you know, I changed jobs on June 1st to work as a Graduate Assistant for the Facilities Manager. As my job is slowly evolving into a handful of tasks, I am gradually figuring out exactly how to keep things rolling from day to day. Since I only work 20 hours per week, I have been working on the transition from full time to part time, as well as the division of tasks, managing a group of workers, and dealing with things that are completely out of my control. A day in the life of Robin. Yikes!

So after I get back from California with my younger brother, I learn that our secretary put in her 2 weeks notice and is moving to another position on campus....YIKES for ME!

While I was not prepared to have my co-worker quit and the floodgates open the week school starts, I guess there's no better way than to learn but than by just jumping in head first. I guess this just helps me prioritize more and plan better, right?!

With the facilities office in extreme transition, I think this change is coming at the right time. While the transition from a full-time coworker to JUST ROBIN and the boss man will be a hard one, it should be good until there is a replacement to help carry the load. The next few months should be interesting, but a great learning experience. I guess this is how all "self-run" businesses are at some point, right? All seems like it's going to fail, but it will turn out fine, right? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

So, when I get overwhealmed, I think of this video, and remember how small each of us are, and how peacful the beauty of the Earth is.

Here's a video I took while at the Grand Canyon:

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