Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hot Cocoa on a Cold Day

Yesterday OSU closed at 2pm : ) That meant that i got to go home too! Unfortunately, the ice had built up on my windshield, so i have a good 20-30 minutes of scraping to do before i could even see to go home. Oh, and for all of you out there who don't know...that wind shield washing fluid stuff that is supposed to melt ice off your wind shield...only works for MINIMAL amounts of ice...not the 1/4 inch i was attempting to melt away with it. Needless to say, there was a nice orange puddle by my car after I realized that the ice was not merely going to melt away with this magical orange stuff. Oh well...Chris got a laugh out of it.

After hand-numbing, scraping, I managed to make it home. Although, I missed the turn the first time into where we live. It's amazing how Oklahoma's small hills are big enough to allow minimal braking action when it's slick outside. There is a stop light maybe 1/4 mile from our house. I began slowly from that stop light, going only about 10 to 15 mph. As I attempted to slow to about 5 mph, it became obvious to me that I was not going to be able to stop on the small slope the street had. So, i decided to keep going, and take a turn around up the road and safely come into our street. When I arrived home, my WONDERFUL husband had made me warm chocolate chip cookies! (what a sweetie!)

Last night we sat in our office with our mini heater on (as our house does not stay warm all that well....man I can't wait until we don't rent anymore!) We have a big window in our office, and in-between working on scholarship applications and Chris working on his class, we gazed out the window and watched the cars inch by. One car even got stuck in the ditch : ( Chris said that he didn't see them move or anything, so we bundled up to see if they were ok. The lady inside the car was fine and assured us that her husband was on the way and a tow truck would be there later too. We told her she could come on over if she wanted, but she stayed in her car for awhile until her bladder told her she should take us up on our offer. So we chatted in our office for awhile until her husband showed up. Before too long, the truck was there and they were on their way.

This morning, I awoke to my alarm at the usual time, then remembered that school might be cancelled. Chris checked his email on his phone (how handy!) and YUP-no school or work today! Hehe...I joked with my boss that we should stay home when the weather is cold and yucky....I guess we get to today!

So here I am, typing away and sipping on some hot cocoa (coco? hmm...what is the right spelling?!) I noticed that on the Nestle individual packages that i use there are different recipes on them. Yesterday i saw one for a chilled mocha. Today's packet had "Mexican Hot Chocolate". Hmm....i thought....What is that? Well, i decided to give it a shot. It's contains:

one packet of cocoa mix
1/4 tsp of cinnamon
and 1/4 tsp of vanilla

It's quite yummy. I highly recommend it. It reminds me of the hot chocolate mom and i had on a canoe trip in Minnesota when i was in high school.

So, Cheers my friends! I hope you all stay warm and enjoy a cup of "Mexican Hot Chocolate" today.

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