Monday, April 7, 2008

Close, but no cigar

Last night I received a phone call from a student who asked me if we could fly to San Antonio for the KU game today. So I checked on the airplane requested, but it was already being used : ( so we weren't going to be able to go. This morning Chris got a call from work, saying that he was on a trip to San Antonio! How cool would that have been for us to both fly there, and hang out in the pilot lounge, watch the game, and then fly back. Well, not nearly as cool as getting to go to the game, but ya get the point.

So, I called the student back this morning to see if he still had the tickets-but he had sold them : ( And the airplane we were going to take came back early-so we could have gone! I guess it was just not meant to be--BUT it would have been awesome!

Maybe some day it will work out that we both get to fly the same place-but just not today. So tonight I'll be watching the game at home. Although, I'm not jealous that he won't get home until like 2am. Ya win some and ya lose some.

Have a great day!

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