This week seems to have passed without me even blinking! Where did it go?!
Monday Chris flew to Chicago for work and I sat at home on a rainy, stormy day. The difference with Chris and my flying is that, pretty much, no matter what the weather is, he goes. If it's a rainy, thunderstormy day-I don't...and I get to sleep in! However, I did have to teach a class that evening, so I didn't get the day off completely.
At the airport I work at, OJC (Johnson County Executive Airport in Olathe, KS), we just began a Commercial Ground School course 2 times a week. I got to kick it all off this past Monday evening by teaching "Basic Aerodynamics." Ok-so don't think I'm THAT ingenious...I presented a power point and went over basic flight principles, as well as other factors that the students will have to know in real life and for the written exam as a commercial pilot. I have to admit, I think it went pretty well-I'm a BIG KID!-well, kinda... : ) That is the only lesson I have to teach right now, so I'm off for awhile, as the instructors are taking turns teaching different subjects. Chris, as busy as he is hanging out at the house, even jumped and said he was interested in teaching a week. He's going to cover some airport operations and airspace. This is good for him because it gives him a chance to get out of the house and also have something to do while he is at home : )
Also, he had a dentist appointment today. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so excited about going to the dentist...but maybe that is because every time I go...I get bad news...oh-you have 1,5678943467 cavities...ok, maybe that is a bit excessive...; ) But after going through dental work since like 5th grade-and ironically having a dental assistant as a room mate my freshman year in college, I'm never too keen to jump at the opportunity to go visit anyone who wants to put their fingers in my mouth or drill on my teeth. (not to say I don't like dentists...just as long as they aren't numbing my mouth and putting sharp object down my throat) They are great people, but I have had to see them WAY too much in the past several years.
However, Chris came home with a smile, and blindingly white teeth (he hadn't been able to go for a long time) The humerous part to me is that they said the plaque build up, etc is mainly from things that can stain your teeth like tea, soda, and coffee, etc. I thought-Like HE needs coffee...right! tee hee.
Well, I hope you all have had a fantastic week!!!