Monday, September 13, 2010

Social Butterfly...Who Would Have Thought?

Theodore has been quite a social butterfly over the past few weeks! He has gotten to visit Salina and Oklahoma!

We even had a handful of visitors come through to visit us, including my friend, Niki. She has twins who are exactly 1 year older than Theodore....! And her girls were no smaller than 8lbs EACH...needless to say, she had never seen such a small baby...! wow! I'm truly impressed--she holds the RECORD at Salina hospital for largest twins. What a champ.... Here she is with our little one:

Theodore even had some time to visit his GREAT Grandpa Benny. Needless to say, Benny enjoyed the visitor and even held Theodore for awhile. He said that I could leave Theodore there with him. I didn't think it would work out, but it was nice of him to offer to watch Theodore for us. Here is a picture of Wayne and Great Gpa Benny:

And one of their hands...aww!

Oh, on the road trip to Salina, I stayed with my sister, Karen and her husband Erik. Karen was kind enough to prepare a bed for Theodore (Drawer with pillow and blanket!! Worked PERFECTLY!!) Theodore slept like a Champ!

In the morning, I was going to get ready in the bathroom and I heard Karen go to check on him. Then I heard some russeling...I saw that she moved his drawer out to the living room...and was taking pictures of her nephew. She's not excited or anything....! hehee....But he sure is cute when he is sleeping. (I think Chris sleeps just like that...just not in a drawer! heheheheee)

Oh, and my favorite milestone recently, Chris got to feed Theodore with a bottle! Needless to say, Chris really enjoyed that. (And I enjoyed the time I get to go to bed early and he takes over the last feeding of the evening...I never knew that an extra hour of sleep would make such a difference! WOW it does...and I'm totally enjoying the 7 straight hours of sleep!!!)

Other News:

We have new neighbors! Our friends from Salina just moved in 4 doors down....LOVE IT! So excited! With them moving, we helped unload some boxes into their house. Needless to say, I was thinking...hmm...we have lived here since this spring...maybe it's time to work on our office....

SO: tonight we got through at least 3 boxes (I stopped counting after 2). It was great...and amazing how much more room there is in the office without those boxes....

Now...for the rest of them...!


Unknown said...

AWW, I can't wait to meet him, I love all the pictures! And I loved the dresser drawer, very cute :) Congrats to you both again, Love you all.

Unknown said...

is it that Theo is being social? Or that mommy Robin is dragging him around to kingdom come and he doesn't have much of a choice here? ;)