Well, another month has snuck by! I am not sure how long I will have to type, so I will probably make this a quick post. Theodore is napping, so we shall see how much I get written...since it's almost dinner time for him!
This past month has been so busy! Between a few house projects (picture frames getting hung up), some cleaning, and overall finishing the holiday season, we have been very busy.
I felt very accomplished the other day. Theodore started holding his bottle on his own (the daycare taught him that...!! way to go daycare!!), so I was doing some cleaning and it was time for his bottle....so...I got it warmed up and he fed himself while I finished cleaning the bathrooms, floors, etc. He is getting so big! (yes, I'm sure every mother says that!) He even helped supervise my cleaning and vacuuming. He was not such a fan of the vacuuming...that could be because I had him sitting in his "bumbo" chair (we call it the captain's chair) and the vacuum was coming close to him. He let out a little whine, and so I picked him up, and put him in one of those pouches that you hook to yourself-so you look like you have a baby in a backpack-only ours goes on our front (like a kangaroo kind of). Anywho, after putting him in the kangaroo carrier thing, he was much more content to help mama vacuum! He even helped me clean the kitchen. He watched me as I swept and swiffered the floors. It's amazing how just a LITTLE cleaning makes the biggest difference.
So why all the cleaning? Well, I guess when my "weekend" is consolidated into one day the super-mom in me comes out. I got all the laundry, diapers, etc done and folded (not completely put away, but folded none the less!) so I felt like I should clean a little more, since I never quite seem to get the vacuuming done...! It sure is nice to have a clean floor again! Now, if I could only entertain Theodore long enough to get the organizing done...!
That is a question I have: WHY does organizing take so long?
For me, it's probably because I just "do" most things, then the "things" become cluttery...then I can't stand it, so then I figure out how to make things more efficient for my use...but this trial and error bit is sure a long process. Why can't I just know what will work and how I will use things? I guess that's the fun of the game, right?!
Oh, so January...what did we do?!
We went to Atlanta, Georgia for a delayed holiday with the Laws family. We took Theodore, so that was an adventure. This was his 2nd airplane trip and he did very well. We only spent 3 days recoving this time, so I guess it works out. Theodore didn't sleep as well the 1st and 3rd night we were there, so that made for long days. But we had a good time. We went to one of those Medieval Dinner show things. It was pretty cool and I think Theodore even enjoyed the horses and jousting! We even got to go to IKEA...I wish I had an "IKEA" line item in our budget! (oh...maybe I should make one?!) Theodore liked shopping...probably because there was lots to look at--but he liked it regardless.
Other than that, I've been working lots lately. Today I got to try my hand at driving the snowplow at work. IT WAS SURPRISINGLY FUN! A bit timid, I'm not ready to "solo" yet, but I had a good lesson today: Intro to Snowplowing 101. Basics: How to turn, not run into stuff, and overall-move snow effectively. Pretty good first lesson. I don't know that they will let me drive them often, but it was a fun experience! (not sure I would say that if I'd have been up all night driving them, eh?!)
Well, surprisingly Theodore is still asleep...maybe I should venture over to see if he is ready for dinner.
All the best everyone.