This weekend I was able to travel to Lawton, OK to visit a college friend, Cristina and her two beautiful children. Since Cristina's husband and my husband are both in Georgia, I decided I would come visit her and the family for Valentine's Day.
(yeah-crazy-right? Chris is in the Atlanta area and Josh is somewhere not to far from there)
Here is a picture of Cristina and I:
Well, I did not have any Doilies (sp?!) but I did find some cool hearts and stickers. I thought this would be perfect for Jocelyn (2 years old) and fun for both Cristina and I to watch her put together a card for her dad. Here are a few pictures from the event:
Since it is one of my favorite things to eat...I decided to make our Valentine's dinner:
I was Olive Garden deprived (Chris didn't want to eat Olive Garden when I was visiting him in Tulsa a couple of weeks ago--I took it upon myself to order OG to go for our dinner Saturday night!! It was MUCH better than waiting the 1+hours in the restaurant. We had a fantastic dinner after the kids went to bed--and I even got to have my favorite dessert: Tiramisu!!) all I have to do is wait a few more hours....then the real holiday begins....CHOCOLATE SALES!!
Until then,