Saturday, April 17, 2010

2nd Sonogram: Video!

Life has been SO busy lately, I haven't been able to post this previously. My apologies. I think you will all enjoy this, if you haven't already seen it.

My favorite part is actually seeing the little baby yawn! (For those who are not experts--the baby head is on the right and the legs are on the left. You can see it's spine in a few of the shots too!!)

Here is a video of our 2nd Sonogram, just a couple weeks ago:


Paul Mikols said...

.... < like >

Mary Elizabeth said...

You are right - the yawn is the cutest! Plus I'm jealous, a sonogram VIDEO?!?!? We are lucky to come home with three or four blurry pictures. Coourse I do live in the middle of nowhere - guess I should be lucky we have sonograms at all and not just the doc tapping on my belly saying, yep, feels like a head here and probably a foot there - lol.