Thursday, June 10, 2010

Moving, Graduating, Jobs….!

So I see the last post was on April 17, and now it's nearly been 2 months....WHAT have we been up to?!

It is amazing to me how quickly things happen. Here’s a quick re-wind of the past few months:

-Chris began training at Omni Air International for his 757/767 Type Rating
-Robin began last semester of Graduate School classes

-Chris and Robin announced expecting baby in August
-Chris began phase 2 of training—in Atlanta, Georgia
-Robin went to Aviation Conference in Florida

-Chris COMPLETES 757/767 Type Rating! Yay!
-Robin interviews for job in Wichita, KS (and gets called for a 2nd interview!!)
-Chris and Robin begin looking for a house to buy in Wichita, KS
-Robin officially gets job in Wichita, KS at the Wichita Mid Continent Airport (yay!)
-Robin puts in 3 weeks notice at OSU in order to begin new job in Wichita

-After looking at nearly 40 homes, Chris and Robin FINALLY put a bid down on a house…and it is ACCEPTED!
-Move in date: End of April
-Robin starts job at airport
-Final walk through before closing (are the current home owners REALLY moving?! It doesn’t look like they have started packing…..eik!)
-Close on house (yes, they did pack and move, as promised)
-MOVE: Friends/family were gracious enough to help us move both from Oklahoma and into our new house in Kansas. Thanks everyone! (I soon discovered that my growing belly was getting in the way…so mainly I pointed to
where things were supposed to go and directed people
-Chris works hard on and around house, making it a home for his new family (gardening, garage, kitchen……the list goes on!)
-Chris still waits patiently for IOE (aka on the job training with his company before they let him go fly internationally)

-GRADUATION! FINALLY !! We graduate with our Masters Degrees from Oklahoma State University (officially titled: Masters of Applied and Natural Science: Aviation and Space Option)
-(time to start cleaning out the old school files….and donate LOTS of paper to the recycle bin!)

Pictured below: Robin, Delton, and Chris:

(Delton is a close friend who made it possible for both Chris and I to start working for Oklahoma State. Thanks Delton for your connection and being such a great friend!!)

Family pic:
Back row: Carl, Kathy, Wayne, Terry, Carol
Front row: Robin, Chris, Theresa

-Chris still waiting for IOE (yet making SO much progress on our new home… looks fantastic darling!)
-Robin getting used to early morning schedule of starting work at 5am (apparently when kiddo comes I will see all hours of the day….so I guess starting work at 5am is good training!?!)

-Chris GETS CALLED FOR IOE!! (traveling to Hawaii, Nevada, Texas, Washington....and a few more states....just to name a few!)
-Air Conditioner gets fixed...Welcome to being homeowners!
-Baby Laws is becoming MORE's alive....! And kicking lots!

As you can see, it has been a quick and busy spring….and we are looking forward to this summer and fall.


Mary Elizabeth said...

Wow! Quite an adventure for you guys - but lots of good stuff!! Congrats on. . . well all of it. When are we going to be invited over? :)

Robin said...

Any time you like! just give us a call to make sure we are in town. : ) Our bed n' breakfast is open (well, not for business, only for friends and family--I don't want to have one of those businesses at this point in time)