Monday, August 18, 2008

Our First Day of Graduate School

Well, here it is, DAY 1 of class! class was canceled! So....I got online to order my books, and anxiously await class next week. : ) Chris had to drive to Tulsa this evening for class. We didn't realize that Oklahoma State University had classes at Tulsa, Stillwater, and Oklahoma City...all 3 Chris has to drive or take a bus to Tulsa 2 times a week-not the most convenient, but I think he'll enjoy the classes he's taking there, so it all works out.

I went to work as usual, and Chris went to teach his first college class!!! I am so excited for him! He has 35 students who are taking his Aviation Safety class for their undergraduate degree program in aviation. I think it's a great! He even put on his syllabus the old Salina classic "if your phone rings, you bring donunts!" : ) He said the class was less than happy to hear that...but then again...if there is food, there is usually a more lively class : )

I have a check out flight this Thursday with the Chief instructor, provided the weather holds up. It has been REALLY cloudy all week-well, even if it IS only monday! Last week had lots of rain and clouds, so i'm hoping for some sunshing to come in my office window for my flight thursday. I can't wait to get back up in an airplane. I miss my students up at OJC, but realize that it is a bit of a long flight for them to just hop on down to Oklahoma to go buzz around for fun : ( I miss them already! Well, when a door closes, a window opens, right?! i'm sure the folks down here know how to have just as much fun : )

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