Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I wish we had a heard of cows to pack up our house...but we didn't. However, we do have a herd of people coming to help us move, and we are more than happy to have the help!

Today we got up and started packing. Last night we obtained boxes from a local store. I felt like a home-less person, looking for the best boxes to live in! Chris went down one aisle, I another-and we roped up as many boxes as we could. We each had a car full by the time we left. Today we filled nearly all of those boxes, and I think we'll go back for a few more...but I won't know for sure until Chris gets off the phone. He's talking with Delton about locations/places to live in Stillwater, OK. Delton is scoping out places for us, and keeping us out of the "bad" areas of town.

Things are happening so incredibly quickly! Last night we had dinner at our favorite diner--Vern and Bobby Ann's house! (That would be my sister's almost inlaws-aka....her inlaws-she gets married in like 1 month! eik!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

OK-so it's not a "diner", but they always are such good company and have such a wonderful meal. Chris and I are sad to be leaving the good home cooking and good company. : (

Oh, yesterday-it was such a good feeling-I QUIT!!!!!! well, officially anyway. I went in and told the guy who is in charge of the flight instructors-well, for lack of term-"chief flight instructor", anyway- (i was an independent contractor, but you get the idea!) ANYWHO- I went in and told him we had further opportunities and will be pursuing our Master's Degrees at Oklahoma State University, and we would be moving...and as of Sunday, I was quitting. SHOCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, they knew it was coming, but they didn't think it was ever actually going to come! So i think i caught him off guard...but guess what!? After Osh Kosh is real life, so WELCOME BACK TO REALITY! : ) I am, however, sad to be leaving my wonderful students. I will really miss them all. I have learned a LOT here in my short 4 months (wow! i have only been instructing there 4 months-it feels like way longer!) I have definitely grown as an individual, as well as an instructor. I have made some wonderful connections, as well as friends-and I will miss them all.

On another note, I got a JOB OFFER today in the KC area. It came this afternoon right as I was packing some boxes up. It was so weird! I can't remember the name of the company...but its job requirements were Commercial, Multi Engine!!! They wanted 4 (nights i think) days a week, cargo. Well, it sounded nice but since I'm already MOVING I had to turn him down. It was nice to make a 2 second decision without thinking about it really. We have had a LOT of decisions to make lately, and it was nice not to have to cloud my small head with one more thing to think about.

Well, until we meet again, have a lovely evening...I'm going box hunting again...wish me luck!

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