Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Its September!


What have we been up to lately? Let me start today and roll backwards:

For me, things have been busy as ever at work...a "typical" week we deliver 4ish...more or less... airplanes. In the past couple of weeks, I have been blessed to double that number...so I have been flying like crazy. This past week, I have finally had a chance to catch my breath. YAY! I am still loving what I'm doing. In fact-yesterday I even got to make a "short approach" (aka...hurry up and go to the runway and land as quickly as possible) so I zoomed in...fast...(ok...so like 120 knots...plus a bit of a tail wind)...and that is still way slower than Chris' beloved 757 or 767..but it's fast for a Skycatcher!...landed, pulled off, and the controller says: Nice Job, Thanks for the help! (and I grin thinking, THAT was fun!)

Chris started a new job last week. Working here in town again...5 or 6 days a week, but home every night. WOW...never thought we would have a "normal" life again. I guess we are transitioning to a new "normal." Theodore is LOVING it and I am getting used to seeing my other 1/2 again.

It's funny: When we dated...we only lived in the same place for three months until Chris graduated...and dated for eight months...were engaged....then got married just over a year later...of that time...we only lived in the same town for three months...wow...I guess looking back at it-it's pretty good we are good at communicating-since we ended up spending so much time apart! In the past two years, (well, 1.75 years), our schedule has been to see each other two weeks on and two weeks off (if we were lucky)...and seeing each other every day is going to take some getting used to. Not to mention, the past year, my work schedule had been CRAZY...so we are looking forward to a new "normal" and "family" life. FINALLY!

A comical moment:
This morning,  I wake up for my usual routine, then the baby wakes up. Rats. I think he heard my alarm. grr... Oh and Chris is home-uhh...maybe the baby will go back to sleep? (no such luck) ok, I shower, then get him up, feed him....get ready....happy baby? yes-he is playing with daddy. Good! (that's a nice addition) Now...breakfast..hmm..oh he wants to eat my breakfast. No bubba, you get milk and graham crackers for now...you get breakfast at daycare.....and on we go...load up the car, get the baby and the essentials...off we go!

We are getting used to the fact that I am the morning person and Chris is the night owl. Right as I am winding down from my day, he asks something "important" like about the bank, or a schedule, or something....and I look at him: Darlin, I know this is important, but it's past my internal clock's ability to function with any intelligent thought process right now. Can it wait until morning when I can comprehend this topic? (and he usually responds..but I will not be able to comprehend it in the morning...it can wait until lunch!) hahahaaa.....equal and opposite. Love it!

Last week (or two?? Whenever Labor Day was) I had the privilege of introducing Dr. Peggy Chabrian (founder and President of Women in Aviation International www.wai.org) to a group for lunch. I was honored and excited! I am the president of a local provisional chapter for this group...and still have some paperwork to finish to become an official chapter.(I need to finish that! the "to do list" keeps getting longer!) She and her husband, Jerry, were even able to come to Yingling for a tour of the Skycatchers and I was excited to show them around. What an honor.

We also finished our BATHROOM PROJECT! WOW! Yes...after about two months of anxious anticipation of the "unfinished" bathroom in our basement, we FINALLY got the walls painted, trim up, towel racks up, etc. We even had a "potty party" to celebrate the hard work of our friend and carpenter. It was a great time.

Oh---and August...we celebrated Theodore's 1st Birthday!
We had family over to celebrate his big day. Our friend, Niki, also has kiddo's with his birthday, so we even had a small friend party. Theodore enjoyed the cake and ice cream...and I think now he knows what they are....so we have to be careful!

Much before that, my brain is going foggy on what we have been up to. I spend most of July flying in 115 degree heat...in my flight suit...and chugging Gatorade like it was going out of style. It was sad when 95 degrees felt like a cold front. And now we have 75 degree weather....and colder...it feels like winter.

Other than that, we are LOVING being in Wichita with some great family and friends. I am sad to say that I will not be getting much more international chocolate. sigh....I guess there was something good about Chris flying all over the world. But I am sure glad to have him home.

God Bless Friends. We love you all!

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