Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow-Boss 101

Plow on the left, and a Broom on the right:
Plows move the snow when it gets "thick" (usually anything more than 1/4 to 1/2 inches...they have to plow it then follow the plow with a broom to sweep the surface clean. Think of it like this (This example is compliment of my supervisor) If you took a broom out to your driveway first, it wouldn't do much good. If you took a snow shovel out, then came behind it with a broom, now that's effective)

Snow Blower:
(we pull the snow away from the lights, then "launch" it into the air over the lights and it goes into the grass...mainly it just looks cool, but serves a good purpose)

Close Up of a snow-blower:

Well, today was an interesting day at work. We had a BIG snow for the Wichita area, which meant our snow crews were out working hard all day and night. By the time the sun came up (FINALLY!) they were still hard at work. I got the privilege to work with them and help clean off part of the East side of the airfield. I can proudly say that the airfield is looking great.

It was a good experience. This morning we had an individual who wanted to get out of one of the taxiways. Unfortunately, there were large drifts-so I went to see who I could find to help out. Luckily, I found one awake soul to help. This individual jumped into the snowplow and we worked through the intersection to assist getting the aircraft out for the flight. After feeling a slight bit of accomplishment, and noticing all other individuals were busy, I got it approved to keep this snowplow to work on the rest of the taxiway. It was great. We worked North and South and I directed (to the best of my inexperienced ability) and he moved the snow. I felt like a conductor with a mini orchestra. After making a few mistakes-but learning quickly, I got to see a snowblower in action! We would pull the snow away from the lights, and the snowblower would come and “eat” the snow and blow it over the lights. It was cool. Yeah, I may be nerdy, but it was sure a good time. We finished up the taxiway and it was time for a break for the overworked and under-rested crew. With some help from the “Snow-Boss”, we were able to get the last part of the taxiway cleared off. I watched as the Snow-Boss finished up directing the clearing of the small mountain that I accidentally created. It was very educational.

I am extremely appreciative of all those involved in snow removal, and could not be happier to work with such a wonderful group of individuals. Cheers to their hard work and patience as I learn to become a “Snow-Man” (well, actually Snow-Woman to be correct). Despite the mild mistakes, I feel like I am getting the hang of this whole snow thing…and getting a chance to “conduct” a plow this morning was quite fun. I bet the “big” airports really have a blast!

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