Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chris is an ATP PILOT!!!!!

I am the proud wife of not only Chris Laws, but also an ATP pilot. (Airline Transport Pilot)

So...what does that mean? In "English" (non pilot gibberish) that means he can now fly large turbine airplanes with LOTS of people. If he wanted to fly for the airlines today, he could-he would just have to get trained in the aircraft that particular airline flies. However, he doesn't plan on working for the airlines anytime soon.

Yesterday we went to Tulsa, OK for his check ride (check ride is that fancy term pilots use for holy test of terror...aka Final for a particular rating). It is a MUCH shorter trip when you fly, especially in a plane that goes around 180 mph. (we drive to Tulsa once a week and it takes around an hour and ten minutes to get there...the flight was only like 30 minutes or less! Man, if we could only fly there every week! Some day....!)

I hung out at the airport while Chris was working hard, I was working on homework. I think I had the easier job yesterday...but I cannot say that I have my ATP either. : ( Chris tells me that I can still say "I'm not old enough yet," as applicants have to be at least 23 years of age...I have 6 months...I better get to flying and build up some time : ) I only have about 700 hours to go...hmm...!

Chris' check ride started at 1pm and he was done by around 4:30. All check rides have an oral portion where the examiner asks the applicant questions about the airplane, etc. that is associated with the particular rating the applicant is going for. Chris said that he is always more nervous for the flight, as there is more that can go wrong there... wind, traffic, bad flying day, etc. I, on the other hand, dislike the oral portion, as there are SO many things that the examiner can ask...but on a good note, by the check ride, I SHOULD know the answer!

While Chris and the examiner were out flying, I worked on homework, talked with Theresa and a few others for a bit. (Theresa was in Tulsa for a country concert...I was jealous we didn't get tickets too!) I also got a text from one of my students who I sent up with another flight instructor for the day (as i couldn't fly with him b/c i was in Tulsa with Chris all day). My student said that he passed Chris while he was flying! I was like..huh? It ended up that my student took a short cross country to Tulsa, where Chris was taking his check ride. They all happened to be talking to the same controller while flying! It's a small world...a little too small sometimes!

Overall, it was a great day. The weather was perfect and Chris could not be happier that he was finished with his FINAL pilot rating. (yup...that's more to go for him! He describes the ATP like a PHD for pilots as far as ratings go)

Chris even let me fly home : )

1 comment:

Pat said...

Congrats to Chris!
"ish" is a fantastic unit of measure
and, it's about time for an update! :)