Monday, March 15, 2010

Good Decisions + Friends = Great Day

A few weeks ago I was having one of those know--where it's cloudy outside and it's just easier to stay home and sleep than go out and conquer the world? Well, that particular Friday happened to be the day two of my students were to take their checkrides in Tulsa. So, we were up bright and early-oh about decide whether or not the weather would cooperate. Unfortunately, at 6am, my brain was having a hard time deciding whether or not the weather man was predicting 100% accurately--especially the clouds.

We decided to cancel the checkrides and play it safe--since the flight over there in a multi-engine plane would be $200+...and couldn't see the benefit if my students could not take their checkrides to spend that kind of money to just fly right back home.

Sometimes I hate making good decisions. You know they are good when you feel bad about them all day long. This was that kind of day. Sadly, the clouds and weather did hold off and my students could have taken their flight checks, but on the other hand, I did not want to fly to Tulsa and get stuck....having to wait out a storm or even worse--not make it back to Stillwater due to temperatures and weather (rain + low temps = ICE.....and our plane had no de-ice or anti-ice equipment...unless you count a pitot tube!)

In my bummer of a mood, I trudged on and went to work. A bit (ok-a lot) bummed out, I worked my shift at the office. Since my mood was not so fantastic--I tried to kindly warn my coworkers that I was less than happy that Friday--and that I would try to be pleasant, but was not so thrilled in general with how the day had progressed thus far.

It was lunch time and TA DA! My 2 devious co-workers and a few other secretaries on campus surprised me with a gift basket of goodies for baby and myself! (ok so I shared with Chris too!!) I could not have been more surprised with their kindness and generosity. Here are a few pictures of them below, holding the basket they all went in on for us:

Here is Eleri (works in my office) and Lisa (I used to work with when I was a secretary):

And here's one of Charmaine, my other coworker:

They sure know how to make a girl feel special, especially after having a rough morning. I am so blessed and thankful to have so many great friends. It sure brightened up my day. (At that time, Chris wasn't coming home for another week--so this really helped to cheer me up)

Thanks to all my friends!

PS: I have also received a few other small gifts .... one is a hat to match Chris' wildcat hat!! (thanks Grandma for sending this out to us!)

Another is a cute book from our friend in's a cartoon book involving perfect!

Again, thanks to our friends and family. We are so blessed.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


It is so nice having Chris home again. It's funny how quickly I can forget the little things I appreciate about my significant other.

Just the other night, I thought someone was sleeping in MY bed...oh-wait-that's just Chris. (I forgot that he was home after him being gone for a month!)

Despite my forgetfulness, I'm thrilled to have my other half home who completes me so well. For example: Laundry. I don't mind doing the laundry, folding the laundry, and putting the clean laundry back in the basket. But somehow between getting it all clean and folded, I lose interest in actually putting it away. So, when Chris got home, he laughed a bit and helped me get our clean laundry piles all put away. Additionally, I was getting a bowl of cereal (Chocolate Cheerios--by the way-if you have not tried them, you should! They are quite delicious), and I noticed that miraculously all the clean dishes in the drying rack have disappeared. Amazing! And again, I am thankful my wonderful husband is here to fill in for the things that I do not do as well. (Although....I know he's thrilled he doesn't have to do the dishes all that I'm glad we are a good team)

Ah yes, I'm sure you are wondering what this equation is about?

Yesterday we got to go to the doctor for another check up appointment. Since we are not sure what to expect, the element of surprise in the visit is always exciting. Yesterday we got to hear the heartbeat of our little one. Thump Thump, Thump Thump....
It will be another month before our next visit--and we decided we are not going to find out the gender. While I know this is frustrating for the mass number of people who are excited for us, you will just have to wait in anticipation until this fall to find out : - )

Also, we have been on the mad hunt for houses since Chris returned last week. I we have made 2 trips to Wichita in the past week...with a forecast of another trip this weekend. The nice thing is that a 2 hour drive is not that bad.....but we wish we were flying there instead! We have a few prospects in mind, but are going to continue to look this weekend, hoping to find our new home. Since we graduate in May, we are excited about moving closer to friends and family and actually having a house. We can't wait!